About Us

I would be remiss if you left our website and didn’t have a peek behind the scenes to understand how Kellogg Memorials originated. The business itself began in 1899 in Mexico, NY under Frederick L. Kellogg Sr., who operated it with his sons George and Fred Jr. until he passed in 1946. His sons continued to run the business for several more years, eventually turning it over in 1969. Kellogg Memorials became a Rock of Ages independent dealership in the 1970s, and present ownership took the reins in 2004. And though we are often asked, no, we are not Kelloggs or even related to the family. But we do know them and are thankful for the opportunity they gave us to continue their wonderful legacy.

The minute that someone you love dies, your relationship with them turns to remembrance. Grieving the death of someone close to you is one of the most difficult things that any of us will go through. It is a minute to minute, day by day struggle that is only softened by the passing of time. We grieve because we have loved and eventually you will get to a place where there is more peace than pain. Here at Kellogg Memorials, we have all experienced loss and we believe that we help hundreds of families each year to find ways to cope with death and to tell their loved one’s story in stone. This memorization helps in grief healing by giving us something tangible to lean on, to kneel beside, to plant in front of, to pray, to cry, to talk to our loved one and let them know how much they are missed. When the time is right for you, call or visit Kellogg Memorials. We understand the importance of remembering…

Laurie Fusco, Rome Office Manager
Ron Hunt, Owner, Production Manager
Jody Wiggins Hunt, Owner, CEO

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